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Tyrannosaurus rex 2018

You can get the PSD of this illustration with every muscle on its own layer here:

Holy moly its finally done. I started this illustration in August of 2017 and over the next year and 320 hours later(the longest I've ever worked on anything), its done! I present to you what is to my knowledge, the most accurate and rigorous Tyrannosaurus rex illustration out here.

As some of you guys know, T. rex is far and away my favorite animal. I've wanted to do a T. rex anatomy sheet for years and I finally had the opportunity to do that here. I used every resource available, every trick I know, and all of the energy I had on this piece. I seriously thought completing this would kill me haha. I spent months trying to figure out the muscles from a multitude of scientific papers, watched a dozen alligator dissection videos, and had the steady guidance of Scott Hartman. I drew every muscle, each on their own layer. This is the most in-depth anatomical reconstruction.